Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), humanist and architect, draws the concept of concinnitas from Cicero with the meaning of harmony.
His treatise on architecture, published posthumously in 1485 , defines beauty as "harmony (concinnitas) between all the members, in the unity of which they are part, founded on a precise law, so that nothing can be added or removed or changed except for the worse ”(De re aed., VI, 2). This is the "fundamental and most exact law of nature", which consists of numerus (number), finitio (proportion between length, width, height) and collocatio (arrangement) of the parts (De re aed., IX, 5). Through the direct reference to nature, Albert's concept of beauty overcomes the rationality of proportional relationships present in Vitruvius and in the medieval tradition and concinnitas is proposed as a universal value, combining the meaning of harmony with that of organicity.